This section is a special place. I feel I have something to say, so I write it out.
These articles reflect the experiences and insight I've gathered in the last ten years working in many parts of the industry. I chose different paths from the majority, and evolved my craft extensively during this period.
Without any particular ordering and special editing, they form a braindump. When I develop a coherent worldview, who knows, I may publish a book. But until then I stick with this format.
Agree or disagree, but keep in mind that your experiences likely differ from mine.
I hope you'll enjoy them. But even more important, I hope these will help you become a better coder, or at least show you a different point of view.


Oct 9, 2017

Cats seemingly have no purpose. They just lounge all day, doing nothing. They have little impact on their surroundings. All they seem to do is entertain us and make our lives a little better.


Small and large projects

Oct 2, 2017

I prefer small projects. They tend to be more technically challenging, and also require working with fewer people. This seems like a contradiction to my preference to focus on the people instead of the machines, but actually, it's not. In large projects, you are a cog, and you get to fit into the processes. Whereas in small projects, you have more freedom to do what you deem right. And you can communicate more liberally.


How to learn coding

Sep 25, 2017

I've seen many beginners struggling to learn an imperative programming language. CSS and HTML are usually easier to grasp, because of their declarative nature and they are easy to visualize. But JS is entirely different. Why it's so hard to get the basic concepts of a "real" programming language?


Is it too late to learn coding?

Sep 18, 2017

When I learned how to code, I was young. I had the time to tinker with the basics, try out things and see them fail. But I got back to it over and over again, and could finally make it work. After enormous effort, I could figure out how to write code.


Messy code

Sep 11, 2017

Have you ever looked at a piece of code and thought how awful it is? Codebases tend to get messy with time. And don't have illusions: this is true for your code too.



Sep 4, 2017

The pursuit to reach 100 percent is one of the most demanding tasks. It's not endogenous only to software development, but as I see, it's more prevalent here.


What-if fatigue

Aug 28, 2017

The what-if fatigue is when you try to understand a piece of code, but it's a convoluted mess, and you get tired just by looking at it. I'm sure you've seen such code, and chances are, you wrote some too.


Incremental changes

Aug 21, 2017

Never underestimate the power of small changes over a longer period of time. This perseverance has the power to make you reach just about any goal. Daunting tasks can usually be broken into small actionable pieces. And from then, it's just a matter of persistence.


The Pomodoro technique

Aug 14, 2017

The Pomodoro technique is a simple system that potentially helps you to focus during your workday. It is a time management system that chunks the work into 25 minute focused periods followed by 5 minute breaks.


The big picture

Jul 31, 2017

I often see that developers are only interested in what directly affects their work, and they don't look beyond that to see the big picture. They don't ask the questions why the client is asking for a particular feature. They just get the task and deliver it. This often results in features that are hard to maintain yet useless to the client.


Managing expectations

Jul 24, 2017

As an employee, freelancer, or an entrepreneur, you need to manage client expectations. This is often a neglected field, but it is one of the main differentiators of professionals.



Jul 10, 2017

In every business situation -- which an employee - employer one certainly is -- trust is your #1 asset. You build it over time, with consistency, by always doing a great job. After some time, people will start to notice, and begin to trust you.


The barrier to auto testing

Jul 3, 2017

Most project I worked on didn't have automated tests, even though all involved agreed they would bring significant benefits. But the cost of writing them was too high, and it couldn't happen. But why so many projects are left in a sad state like this?


The testing mindset

Jun 26, 2017

You might have already noticed on yourself that the mindset during testing is entirely different than the one during coding. This causes problems with testing your own code and ensuring quality. But if you accept this fact and work around it, you'll produce better code with better self-QA. Not testing the code you wrote every so often is a lack of professionalism. Company QA does not count; if they push bugs back to you, there is room for improvement in catching them. This is one of the differentiators between people who you'd like to work with and those you wouldn't.


Why users want strange things

Jun 19, 2017

Working with feature requests coming from users is a difficult challenge in itself. They tend to wreak havoc to developer sanity. They often contradict a previous feature or don't fit into the current architecture. You might start wondering if they really need the software you've built or an entirely different one.


Remember the human

Jun 12, 2017

In the daily grind, while tackling down algorithmic and architectural challenges, people tend to forget that the software they are building is just a tool, created by humans, for humans. Usually, the result is arrogance and unhappy development. But you can choose to look at it the other way, and do your best to prevent it from happening.