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Use the initialValue argument of reduce

Array.reduce's second argument is an optional initial value. Based on whether it's supplied or not, there are three cases:

  1. If initialValue is set, it will be the first accumulator
  2. If initialValue is not set, the first element will be the first accumulator
  3. If initialValue is not set and the array is empty, an error is raised

The initialValue is usually considered the "zero element" of the operation defined in the callback. A few examples:

  • For addition, it's 0
  • For multiplication, it's 1
  • For array concatenation, it's []

But not all operations have a zero element.

This code throws an error if the array is empty:

array.reduce((acc, e) => acc + e);

Avoid this error case by defining an initial value, if there is an applicable one. The following code returns 0 for the empty array:

array.reduce((acc, e) => acc + e, 0);
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